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Safety Box Insurance

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  • Safety Box Insurance


At Stone Bridge Security And Shipping , we offer our clients a comprehensive insurance policy to cover the contents of their safe deposit box. Clients can acquire immediate insurance cover for the contents of their safe deposit box at Stone Bridge Security And Shipping to the value of the contents of their box.  This will also allow our clients to avail of much lower household premiums by storing their valuables with us – please check with your insurer for further details. Stone Bridge Security And Shipping also provides complimentary insurance to all box holders for year 1 of rental. Each box can be insured at an additional cost. Higher insurance amounts by request – Please contact us to find out more.


  • Risks of physical loss or damage to cash, precious metals, securities and other valuables while in transit or in storage
  • Third-party liability for a range of clients from banks and institutions renting safety deposit boxes to contractors managing ATMs
  • Face value or reconstruction cost basis